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*images may show fully mature plants

If you live in a colder climate where Roses sometimes struggle in the spring season, Above and Beyond™ is for you! This stalwart Rose has thrived for us after many harsh Connecticut winters, suffering no dieback and blooming right on schedule each year. Clusters of orange buds open to large, pale apricot blossoms that envelop this vigorous, cold-hardy climber. The 3" semi-double to double flowers arrive in spring or summer followed by intermittent bloom later in the season. Medium to light green foliage provides harmonious counterpoint. Mild to no fragrance. Own-root. 'ZLEEltonStrack' PP 24,463

For beauty and fragrance the rose knows few rivals. Roses have been cultivated for centuries; there are thousands of cultivars available and, often, an accompanying thicket of taxonomical jargon. Don’t worry about the terminology – the roses we elect to offer were chosen for their beauty, disease-resistance and vigor. Whether you’re looking for a rangy climber to run up a pergola or a petite specimen for a particular spot in the garden, we very likely have a variety to suit.

Roses require 6 or more hours of direct sun per day and fertile, reasonably moist soil. They benefit from an occasional feeding during the growing season.

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