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Ah, breastfeeding. Something so perfectly natural can be a pain in the breast! Once you get it down it'll all be worth it, but 'til then Mama made Booby Tubes® to help ease the discomforts of your mamariffic mammaries. Booby Tubes® are natural, safe, gel-free breast packs made with a organic cotton shell and filled with natural flax seed. Use warm or cold, depending on your nursing needs. When heated, Booby Tubes® safely deliver warm, moist heat to tender breasts to encourage milk flow, help prevent clogged ducts, promote let-down and comfort the symptoms of infection. Mama's unique gel-free construction was designed with extra care to help reduce the risk of burns. Simply warm Booby Tubes® in your microwave for 20-40 seconds OR preheat your oven to the lowest setting and place them in an oven-safe dish for 10-15 minutes. Store Booby Tubes® in the freezer and wear them inside your bra between feedings to help reduce the swelling and tenderness of engorgement and to comfort breasts during weaning.* You'll be as pleased as Mama is to know they are made in the USA in a fair trade factory.
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